The most reliable way of getting in touch with us is via email. Simply send mail to, and we'll get back to you!
Follow us on Instagram to receive real-time updates about events and detail about the year ahead!
If you have a specific question, feel free to address it to one of our exec board members. You can find their email addresses via the CMU Directory
Eleanor David --- President
Anagha Pai --- Treasurer
John Diaz --- Secretary
Maddie Huang and Mia Goins --- PR Chair
Kyrsten Denise Riveros --- Social Chair
Winona Wang --- Social Chair
Holden Neely --- Social Chair
Jovanni Acosta --- Social Chair
Constantine Westerink --- IM Chair
Sam Istvan --- Booth Coordinator
Kostas Bogiantzis --- Booth Structural Chair
Rebecca Dettmar --- Buggy Chair
Emily Cerchio -- Buggy Chair
Sam Radziwon --- Head Mechanic
Abbey Miller --- Head Mechanic
Kyrsten Denise Riveros --- Head Driver
Rita Paixao --- Push Captain
Holden Neely --- Push Captain
Zoe White --- Push Captain
Jaden Singh --- Push Captain